Mūsu serumnīca...
Mūsu serumnīca ir sena, unikāla ēka, kas celta 1926. gadā. Apkārtne šeit ir absolūti mierpilna, nomaļa. Šeit tiešām var baudīt klusumu, vērot dzīvniekus, brist pļavas un mežus. Vakaros verandā mierpilni filozofēt un vērot saulrietu virs mežu galiem. Ja vēlies sajust šo īpašo, mierpilno atmosfēru - esi laipni aicināts! Māja būs Tavā rīcībā.
Mēs nevēlamies ballītes, taču jaukas, mierpilnas kompānijas labprāt. Šeit var serumnīcā radoši strādāt vai vienkārši gūt mieru.
Ikviens, kurš šeit atbrauc, prom doties nevēlas! Atmosfēra mājā patiesi ir īpaša.
Kamēr ārā vēl ir dzestrs, mājā jākurina krāsnis, taču malkas sprakšķēšana ir tik omulīga!
Vakaros mēdz kliegt pūces! Apkārt šeit ir ļoti daudz dzīvnieku - gan vilki, gan zaķi, gan brieži, pat sumbrs!

Kas šeit ir...
Plant and floral serums are hand-made after every client’s particular order. They stay fresh for 2 months, refrigerating is not mandatory. The serums are free of water, thickeners, consistency improvers, colorants and synthetic aromatics. These serums are the vital and fresh treatment your skin was longing for. The serums consist only of active substances and are not heated in order to retain all the active ingredients. In their natural form, each ingredient is recognised and utilised by our body.
Plant and floral essential oils, cold-pressed oils, macerates, bio aloe vera, medical plant extracts
are the only base ingredients that you will find in our vitalising serums.
we ...
My name is Agnese. I live in beautiful Latvia.
I have a solid experience working in the field of industrial cosmetics, I could never immerse myself as deep in the creative process as now, when I carefully make each serum by myself.
I’d say that these two before-mentioned realms are the polar opposites - industrial cosmetics and a very modest, intimate little serumatory (a lovely word I just made up putting ‘serum’ and ‘laboratory’ together) where every bottle has been cradled to perfection. Each of these areas, naturally, has its pros and cons.
My little serumatory is inspired by my dreams and the feeling of what we as women at this time might want and need - plants, natural scents, essential oils, harmonious rituals, serenity… Peaceful, sensitive, mystical, sensual, soulful - these are the keywords that might describe my sentiment towards my craft and life in general.
It might not be for everyone, but for some - it is everything.
I intwine these feelings in my serums, because a beauty ritual is something we return to every day. It needs to sooth us and offer solace and a whole array of other positive emotions on many different levels.

Māja būs jūsu rīcībā. Cena par vienu nakti 100 eur.
Gultasdrēbes un viss nepieciešamais ir uz vietas! Pabūšana šeit ideāla būtu 4 draudzenēm. Kaimiņos ir pirts un mums ir fantastiska masierīte, ko noteikti iesaku izmantot!
Varu novadīt serumu meistarklasi, ja ir vēlme.
Pavasarī, kamēr dārzā vēl nav nekas saaudzis, var izmantot pagraba veltes.
Ja vēlies izbaudīt serumnīcas un senās mājas auru, zvani vai raksti! T.26472202, dzivie@dzivie.lv