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The delicate eye area requires special attention and care. This is why we don’t offer essential oils for eye serums. We suggest you try our gel-serum formula for eyes - it can be refrigerated, making it that much more pleasant and cooling to use. Two-layer and oil serums are available for the eye area as well.

So, how does this work?

1. Choose your preferred serum formula (two-layer, gel or oil)
2. Fill in the menu of your chosen serum formula, (tick the ingredients, which speak to you the most . Don’t worry, the menu is very descriptive and will be your perfect guide. You can also ask us any questions anytime concerning the ingredients we offer).

3. When you’ve finished the ‘preparation process’, click Submit.

4. We will receive your custom recipe and start preparing your special eye serum.


Shall we begin?


You can choose to prepare 3 types of serums:

1.Two-layer serum (BIO aloe vera gel 30% + oil 60% + active substances). It will be fatter, more nutritious, richer and very suitable in winter. Please, find the "menu"here.

2. Gel-serum (BIO aloe vera gel 70% + oil 20% + active substances). Very light and suitable for the eyes. Contains mainly valuable bio aloe vera gel and active ingredients. Can be stored in the refrigerator and used cold. Please, find the "menu" here.

3. Oil serum. (90% oil + active substances). Contains only oils and active ingredients. If you don't is like aloe, it is an alternative. You will find the "menu" here.

Fill in the ingredient card and send it to us (by clicking Submit at the end of the page). We will measure everything out in the right proportions and send you the custom serum based on your preferences.

NB! If you haven’t made the payment yet, we might not get a notification about your serum. In case you’ve filled out the ingredient card, but haven’t payed yet, please send a short message to, so we can answer any queries.

We guarantee that you won’t find anything inside your serum that you personally did not choose.

Two-layer and gel serums contain aloe vera gel (100% natural, made of organic aloe vera juice). Additionally, all the serums contain natural, gentle rowan acid, that will make sure that your serum lasts for 2 months completely bacteria, fungus and mold free.

If you don’t know where to begin or which ingredients would be the best for you, please feel free to email us ( and tell us about your skin type, age and whether you want to address any particular skin issues. The rest is on us.

Customized eye serum, 15 ml

  • Lieto no rīta un/vai vakarā acu zonā. Ar pipetīti uzpilina serumu pirkstu galos un viegli iemasē ādā ap acīm.

    Pirms klāt uz acu zonas, iesakām serumu uzlikt elkoņa locītavas iekšpusē uz 48h, lai pārliecinātos, ka nav alerģiskas reakcijas.

    Uzglabāt tumšā, vēsā vietā (sargāt no saules stariem un siltuma).

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